ECM This Week Sept 16 through 21, 2021: Theme: MASKS

Masks. Does God love me even though God knows the things I hide about myself? The answer is, of course, Yes, but how do I come to feel it? to be confident of it? How do I decide which people to share these things with? Bring your thoughts to our next meeting Tuesday.

This week in Episcopal Campus Ministries we have our main stay activities.

Thursday, September 16 from 2 PM to 5:30 PM is PESTER THE PRIEST. Father John will be at Starbucks, armed with brownies or cookies (possibly homemade), and ready to buy you a drink. You can come just to say "Hi" or spend the whole time with him. Great time to think about God together, so bring questions about spirituality. That would be superbly wonderfully psychedelically AWESOME!

FATHER JOHN is Always Available if you need him. Night or Day. (914) 512-8156 If he cannot help immediately he will find someone who can.

Sunday, September 19, there is church at St. Elizabeth's at 10:30 AM. We cannot offer invitations to lunch this week because there is a vestry meeting after church, but you will meet a wide assortment of townspeople who are more than eager to be supportive.

Tuesday, September 21 @ 5:15 The Weekly Dinner Meeting is at the park diagonally across from the Dunkin Donuts. This week will be pizza again. We will sit at the pic-nic table under the pavillon. This week Father John proposes talking about Masks. Not just the COVID masks, but the masks we always wear, where we hide things about ourselves from others (and ourselves). How much do we share? With whom? Am I the only one who has things about me I am afraid to show? What about God? Will God love me even though I have these things I hold back? (The answer of course is YES, but how do we free ourselves to FEEL it?)  
