Wed Jan 25 Pizza & Clue


Wednesday, January 25, 2023 @ 5:00 PM in Stewart 360

PIZZA & CLUE (and other games for those who cannot abide Miss Peacock and Colonel Mustard!)

Also, someone will share where they witnessed traces of God in the week.

THE RETREAT IS THIS WEEKEND. Everybody got transportation arranged?


Here is a prayer I liked, though I think I would add one thing. When I am listening to my inner dialogue I think this is a really helpful prayer. But when I witness fury, clamor, noisy confusion, chatter and discord in people around me, I want to notice it, so that I can invite them into the calmer space by modelling for them the calm. There is a place for anger and clamor, but after we have learned what it is saying, it is time to settle down and do the work of life. We can be calm, we can do this, because we are not alone. In any trouble we are in in, God is with us. Here is the prayer.

   To the fragile feelings, not to the clashing fury
   To the quiet sounds, not to the loud clamor
   To the steady heartbeat, not to the noisy confusion
   to the hidden voices, not to the obvious chatter
   to the deep harmonies, not to the surface discord


Take a moment at the start of the day to ask for God's peace and balance in your day. At the end of the day look at those places where you allowed storms to trouble your peace and observe what it may be saying to you. 

We cherish your presence in our lives, Jesus.
